Does it work as a baby bracelet or anklet?
The amber necklace is meant to be used as a necklace. It can, however, work as a bracelet or anklet by double wrapping the necklace over your baby's wrist or foot.
Is this made in China?
No, it's handmade in Lithuania.
Is the clasp made of amber too?
No, the clasp is made from plastic so it won't break easily.
Is my baby supposed to teeth on the amber or just wear it?
Just wear it. It should never be placed in your baby’s mouth. Always make sure to adjust the size so it fits loosely but does not go over your baby's chin.
How long until it starts working?
The effects of amber jewelry can begin working within hours. However, each child is different, and for some children, it can take up to 1-2 weeks to see a difference.
Can baltic amber teething necklaces be worn in the bath or in the pool?
I recommend to take the jewelry off your child at bath time or when at the pool. Plain water will not harm the amber beads, but prolonged exposure to water may weaken the thread. Especially, keep your amber necklace away from chlorine water, as well as soaps, shampoos, detergents, etc. They may harm the stones and lessen the effectiveness of your amber teething necklace.
Should the amber teething necklace be physically touching skin to work?
For Baltic amber to release its natural substance that will help soothe your child’s teething pain, it must be placed against his/her skin. Putting the necklace over your baby’s shirt, means the amber will not get enough body temperature to work properly.
What size do I need?
My 12.5 inches (32 cm) amber teething necklace fits most infants and toddlers between 3 months and 6 years. However, the easiest way to make sure is to take a measuring tape or even a piece of ribbon or string and loop it carefully around your child's neck to see what length fits the most comfortably.
It should not be so loose that the child can lift it up into his/her mouth (amber is not meant to be chewed on!), but it should not be so tight and uncomfortable. You should be able to insert two to three fingers between the necklace and your child’s neck. Also, note that amber necklaces will stretch in length over time because of the thread.
Care instructions
- Since amber is as old as the hills, it can be brittle, so you want to avoid dropping it on hard surfaces.
- Do not store it with other jewelry where it may rub against other pieces, especially ones made from metal.
- To clean your amber necklace, use a soft flannel cloth or an unused soft toothbrush dampened in clean, lukewarm water. Dry it in the sun or with a clean towel.
- Remove the amber jewelry when bathing your child as well as when applying sunscreen or any other kind of lotion.
- Keep perfume, hairspray, and soaps - like shampoo and conditioner away from your amber, and never place it in commercial cleaning solutions. Amber is easily coated by oils and soaps, which will reduce its effectiveness.